It feels very weird to list ‘Poems’ under ‘Services’ but I have written poems to commission for print, video, audio, and art installations—I’ve been commissioned by the BBC, BMAG, and Magma, among others. If you’re looking to commission a poem, I’d love to hear from you.
Reviews & Essays
I’ve been commissioned to write prose for publications such as the TLS, The Poetry Review, PN Review, Modern Poetry in Translation, and more. I can write about poetry, nonfiction, or fiction if your commission interests me.
I edit Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal (which is pretty good), and have edited anthologies, collections, websites, and other copy for freelance clients. I can provide a poetry critique service, as well as structural or line editing for any prose work.
Typesetting & Design
I am an experienced typesetter and designer for both print and digital publications. I’m particularly interested in working on book projects. See PBLJ for examples of my work.
Workshops & Tutoring
I have many years’ experience in education, including teaching, lecturing, and facilitating workshops across all age groups from early years to HE. My specialist subjects are IT, computing, and creative writing. I’m very happy to provide one-to-one mentoring for writers.
Hosting & Organising
I’ve run a number of organisations and projects over the years; organising and hosting events is second nature. I’m comfortable behind the scenes or in front of an audience and happy to curate a programme, run a panel or speak at your event.